
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Latest Radio (November 28, 2017)

Here's the audio from yesterday's talk with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon. We talked about the force-feeding of automated (note, not autonomous) cars to the public, among other...

Latest Reader Comment (Nov. 28, 2017)

Here is the latest Reader Comment, along with my Comments! Robert writes: My daughter has 2011 Ford Edge, 3.5 liter DOHC V6. In the course of maintaining the vehicle, I thought to change...

Latest Reader Question (Nov. 28, 2017)

Here are the latest reader Question, along with my Reply: VZ asks: Hi Eric - the last couple of years it seems that the auto manufacturers, dealers, and other “experts” have been telling...

If I Disappear for Awhile . . .

It's because this electric scooter didn't make it back up the mountain! . . . Got a question about cars - or anything else? Click on the "ask Eric" link and send 'em...

Latest Reader Question (Nov. 26, 2017)

Here's the latest reader Question - along with my reply: Greta asks: Eric, I took your suggestion that a Toyota Highlander would be a good replacement for my Acadia. Bought 2017 new...

“hero” of the Year” Caught Raping Kids

A former “Deputy of the Year” in Maine has been indicted for 21 counts of sexual assault against three girls over the past 17 years. His youngest victim was just six-years-old...

Tesla loses $8k a Minute, 24-7

Musk makes Ken Lay look like a kid playing with Legos. Over the past year, the electric-car maker has been burning money at a clip of about  $480,000 an hour, according to...

Video Rant: 2018 BMW K 1600 B

BMW is withdrawing six cylinder engines from its cars - because Uncle - but bikes are another story. Have a look as this kahuna: . . . Got a question about cars -...

Video Rant: A Tale of Two Bikes

Here is a quick look at the two bikes BW just left with me for a couple of weeks. One is the new 1600 B "bagger" - which is my kind...

Uber Hacked

Don't you just love living in a "connected" world? Hackers stole the personal data of 57 million customers and drivers from Uber Technologies Inc., a massive breach that the company concealed for...
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