
On Two Wheels

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Winter Bike Survival

None of my bikes have left the garage in more than a month now. Single digit temperatures - and lots of gravel on the roads - have seen to that. But I...

Why Ride?

I've never worn colors (not having earned them) but I do ride - and because of this, I believe I share kinship on a fundamental with the 1 percenters. They get...

Under The Wire

Do you - does anyone - doubt for a moment that if motorcycles were a new invention, they'd never be allowed? Try to imagine the presentation to the Department of Transportation. Inventor: I...

Bad Times . . . Basic Bikes

If times get tough, getting around will likely become a major challenge. Gas may only be sporadically available - in addition to being unaffordable. Imagine, for instance, what might have happened...

Bike Basics: The Oil Change

One of the perks of owning a motorcycles is that routine maintenance is -  usually - much easier to perform than a similar job on a car. Oil and filter changes,...

It’s Happened to Bikes, Too

Almost exactly ten years ago, I bought the last new bike I'll probably ever buy. The new bikes - like new cars - just don't do it for me. Or rather, they...

The Utter Failure of the Police

From Boris Mihailovic over at BikeMe How do feel when you suddenly, apropos of nothing, see a cop car in your mirrors? Do you immediately breathe a sigh of relief that your...

Should Bikes Be Required to Have ABS?

The insurance mafia thinks so - and is "petitioning" the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to make it so. Which means (if they're successful): You'll pay more for your next...

I’ve Got a Golden Ticket

I use the bike as my Willie Wonka golden ticket to get me away from/around anything annoying – and to a better place. Nothing – nothing – beats a speedy bike...

Motorcycle Maintenance Should Do’s

If you're new to bikes, you may not be hip to some of the routine checks - and adjustments - that are important to do (and keep track of). These include: * Chain...
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