
Diaper Report: 7/17/22

This report is more an interrogatory: Will you wear a Face Diaper the next time they are "mandated"? In air-fingers-quotes to emphasize the totalitarian flavor of "mandates" - as opposed to laws,...

Diaper Report 7/13/22

Never mind the evidence of your eyes - or any evidence at all, actually. CNN is telling everyone who still watches it that the cases! the cases! are on the upswing. Just...

Diaper Report 6/28/22

This is an update - about my friend the nurse, who got sick coincident to being pressured to take the Jab, else lose his job. The sick irony of his working in...

Diaper Report: 6/23/22

Get ready - the "cases" are about to "spike" again. This time, because - so they say - "New coronavirus subvariants escape antibodies from vaccination and prior Omicron infection, studies suggest." Emphasis...

Diaper Report: 6/19/22

How desperately do some people cling to their Face Diapers? How about the college-age guy I regularly see at the gym where I work out. He is just about the only...

Diaper Report 6/10/22

Here we are, mid-way through the year and almost three years into the Weaponization of Hypochondria era. You'd think this endless obsession with getting sick might cause those who continue to...

Diaper Report: 5/23/22

This is an alarming report - because of what it says about what has been going on. A good friend of mine, who isn't elderly or obese or chronically afflicted by...

Diaper Report 5/18/22

It is easy enough to see that face-effacing is still a thing. One still regularly sees people wearing that disgusting thing - even for the walk from their car to the...

Diaper Report 5/13/22

Lenin - plagiarizing a line - asked, What is to be Done? About the ongoing self-Diapering of a fourth to a third of the population? Well, Lenin didn't ask that.But let's do. Almost...

Diaper Report 4/19/22

There is good news to report today. And bad news, too.  The good news is that a federal judge has ruled the Face Diaper “mandate” that has been in force these past...
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