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The Biden Thing revealed the truth about both the pushing of battery powered vehicles and the putative reason for the pushing of them the other day - when he mumble-barked the...

Diaper Report: 05/16/2024

North Carolina has just done what Orange Man didn't do: "Mask" wearing in public has just been banned. Ostensibly, for the same reason it used to be - back in the...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 05/16/2024

Here's the audio of this week's Wheels up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, OR. We talked about the Biden Thing issuing a fatwa to make affordable...

Per John Lennon – Try to Imagine . . .

Beatles frontman John Lennon sang the famous song, Imagine - which was a kind of anthem for peaceful co-existence embraced by the very people who seem constitutionally unable to leave others...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 05/15/2024

Here's the audio of my weekly talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show. This week, we talked about the Unrepentant Man and how it's just as frustrating to...

A Lackey Letter

Government is both idiotic and dangerous - because it is empowers idiots. There are many examples. One more came in the mail the other day from an idiot government worker by...

Goodbye, Camaro

Sixty years ago, Ford unveiled the Mustang - and it changed everything. Prior to 1964 - the year of the first Mustang's debut - there was no such thing as a...

Unrepentant Man

If someone errs in a way that causes immense damage and does not admit he erred - much less apologize for the harms his erring caused - what basis is there...

Diaper Report: 05/13/2024

This is a portrait more so than a report - but it can also be read as the latter. The other day, at my gym, I saw a guy wearing facial underwear....

Losing $100k per “Sale”

Ford just announced it is "cutting back" on battery orders for its battery powered devices - i.e., its electric vehicles - because it is costing Ford $100,000 to "sell" each device...
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