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The Fungibility of Meaning

Where is the "border?" As it turns out, it isn't where the United States ends - and Mexico begins. Kind of like the Fourth Amendment doesn't mean: "The right of the people to...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED FM 05/10/2024

Here's the audio of this week's Wheels Up! segment with Bill Meyer over at KMED FM in Medford, Oregon. We talked about the "Hybrid Boom" and some other things, too! . ....

Make the Conversion?

The manual transmission is being pushed off the market by the pushing of electric vehicles, which don't generally have transmissions at all (the motors typically connect directly to the drive wheels)...

You’re an “Anti”!

When a Leftist or a Rightist wants you to shut up he tries to make you ashamed. He will accuse you of being "anti" whatever it isn't. "Anti" meaning opposed to, of...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 05/08/2024

Here's the audio of this week's talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about "anti-semitism," among other things: . . . If you like...

The “Hybrid Boom”

Automotive News posted an interestingly disingenuous item the other day about the "hybrid sales boom," the headline touting a truth that hides a falsehood. Yes - indeed - sales of hybrids are...

Vets Co-Opted

Our dog needs flea meds - so I went to the vet yesterday to get them. The vet would not sell me the flea meds he used to sell me unless...

Problems With Touchscreens

Smartphones - which are only incidentally phones - have touchscreens and that's ok (so far as it goes) because phones are throw-away devices. No one repairs them - because why bother?...

The Cost of Predators

Eggs are getting to be as expensive as steak used to be - and may become unavailable - which is part of the reason why we have chickens (and ducks). They...

The Economics of “Clinging” to a “Clunker”

There is more incentive than ever to "cling" to your "clunker" - as almost anything that's old and paid-for is derisively styled by the people trying to shame-push you into a...
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