The MPGe Scam
You've no doubt heard the joke. About how your actual mileage will . . . vary.
Everyone knows this means: Expect to get less than whatever the EPA advertises on the new...
Binding Little Jeff
In some states, it is illegal to drive faster than 70 on the highway. But in Texas, you can legally drive as fast as 85 on some highways. Because the federal government no...
OJ is Free – But Audi Executive is in a Cage
A barometer of the insanity of our times is that you'll be hounded to the gates of Hell for "cheating" the government but if you kill someone it is No Big Deal.
The Good News About Automated Cars
Automated cars are being pushed on us harder than crystal meth in a West Virginia trailer park - by a tag team of the government apparat (which salivates at the prospect...
Elon Needs More Money (Again)
Last month, I wrote about Tesla CEO Elon Musk's contemptuous and breezy dismissal of questions asked by financial analysts about the cashflow situation at Tesla. Would the company need yet another...
Obama’s Teeth
If the Obamacare individual mandate isn’t a tax - and the IRS has no lawful power to collect it as a tax - then why did I receive a threatening letter...
Making “Investments” in EVs
The verbiage is interesting. As the country relies ever more on force to coerce, it resorts to soft language to hide what is going on.
For example, this news story about what...
Cash for Clunkers II…
Cash for Clunkers “stimulated” demand for new cars in the manner of digging holes - and then filling them up again. It reduced the available supply of good used cars -...
The Internet of Roads
They used to say the walls have ears. Soon, the road will have brains. Well, they’ll be connected to one brain - not yours.
They call it “smart pavement.” Everything is smart...
If We Want Your Money, We’ll Take Your Money…
We live in a Deliverance nation. If the government wants your money, they'll take your money - simple as that.
Rustem Kazazi, 64, was recently relieved of his life savings - $58,100...