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When the Meter Feeds on You

You used to feed the meter. Soon, the meter will feed on you. It will also know exactly who you are and where you are - as well as where you’re...

The Orange Snipe Hunt

Back when I was a Boy Scout, I experienced something called a Snipe Hunt. It was a hunt for a nonexistent beast - a way to divert and occupy boys otherwise...

Three Wheels Bad

You probably haven’t heard of Paul Elio - probably because his car company hasn’t been the recipient of your tax dollars, nor the prostrate fawning-over of an adulatory press . ....

Restricting What’s Not Regulated . . .

Engineers are becoming like magicians - pulling improbable things out of their hats. The difference is, it’s not a trick - and they haven’t got much choice. Every car company has armies of...

The Next Insurance Offer You Can’t Refuse

The insurance mafia has made book by making insurance mandatory. The customer hasn’t got much room to haggle when he can’t say no. Imagine what car buying would be like if you weren’t...

“hero” Called by Anonymous Busybody

I found the following video - taken by a news reporter in her car - and thought it was worth a word or three. The woman is sitting in her vehicle,...

Soy Boy Politics

It’s barely four months into the year and already, armed government workers have shot to death 294 people. This is more than twice as many people as have been shot to...

The Electric Cars Which Might Have Been

Mandates and subsidies have not only distorted the market for electric cars, they’ve distorted the design of electric cars.    Instead of being designed to emphasize their natural strengths vs. IC-engined cars...

A Lump Under the Rug

The other day, GM announced it would no longer report monthly sales figures. Instead, it would hold on to those numbers internally and only reveal them publicly at the end of...

Warring on Some Drugs

An irony of the War on Some Drugs is that legal drugs - most notoriously, the pain medication oxycodone - are more of an objective threat to people’s health than illegal...
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