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Thou Shall Not Pass . . .

This country is painted over with double yellow bars - a sort of rolling-ribbon prison, from which escape is not possible. Legal passing zones - always rare - are becoming almost...

The Wave Builds

Out on the open ocean, a tsunami is almost impossible to see; but as the wave gets closer to shore, it builds and swells and all of a sudden, it becomes...

The Drug Whisperers

You may have heard about people getting speeding tickets not based on the reading of a radar gun or other instrument subject to empirical verification but solely on the basis of...

The V2V Bee Hive

Ayn Rand, for all her quirks, had some solid things to say. One of these was that civilization exists - or declines - in proportion to privacy. The less privacy you’ve...

It Did What it Was Written to Do

A great many people - especially conservatives - reverence the Constitution, consider that it has been abused and that if only the doctrines expressed within were revived and respected, all would...

Whose Ideas?

It’s been said that good ideas don’t require force - while bad ones rarely get traction without it. True enough. But how about a qualifier? Whose ideas? Yours? Mine? There is a kind of...

Stranger Things

The strangest argument has been put forward in defense of Senate Republicans - who might as well be Senate Democrats - not rescinding the titanic federal subsidization of electric vehicles -...

Why Are Power Windows Allowed?

It’s surprising the government hasn’t made power seats - and windows - illegal. Well, at least not yet. After all, they are arguably at least as “unsafe” as not wearing a...

Innocent Man “Swatted” to Death by Kansas heroes…

A prank call to "heroes" has resulted in an innocent man's death at a home in Wichita, Kansas. Andrew Finch, 28, was shot and killed Thursday after police responded to an anonymous...

Some EV Truth Telling – From an EV Pioneer

Almost everyone has heard of Elon Musk. Virtually no one knows who Akira Yoshino is. Which is analogous to fiction - vs. fact - about electric cars. Yoshino is the guy who...
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