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Meatsacking and Solyzynitsyn

Thank the motor gods, automated car technology is nowhere near ready - because the people are. Ready to sit and gape and text and wait. Anything except drive. They will welcome the...

Carrot and Stick

Reinhard Heydrich, who was the Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia - formerly Czechoslovakia, until the Nazis decided it wasn’t anymore - was probably the smartest Nazi. He knew how to wheedle...

The Original Mafia (and How it Begat the New One)

Maybe being forced to buy health insurance will open people’s eyes about being forced to buy car insurance - mandatory car insurance being the trail run or Beta test for forcing...

Sniffing a Scandal

They only crucified Jesus once - and that was enough (so we are told) to atone for all mankind’s sins . . . in perpetuity. And mankind did (and does) sin. In...

Real Coke and Car Tariffs

Real Coke - the most American of sodas - comes nowadays from Mexico. I mean of course the stuff made with sugar and put into glass bottles, the way Coke was...

“Shared Responsibility” Update

I am now officially an Obamacare Outlaw - the deadline for sending in my “shared responsibility” penalty/tax whatever-it-is having come - and gone. Without my having sent them a burnished penny...

2019 Chevy Volt Takes “Only” 2.3 Hours To Charge up!

My teeth and gums are particularly sore today. I read - and relate with sourness - that GM has achieved the miracle of reducing the charge-up time of the 2019 Chevy Volt...


A creepy footnote to the shooting in Maryland yesterday. Apparently, the identity of the shooter - who had no ID on him, refused to give his name and had "obscured" his...

Arrest Them All!

Here's a video taken of a mass arrest in Leon Valley, Texas. The people - among them credentialed reporters, according to news accounts - had gathered at the request of the...

What The Government Really Thinks About Gas Mileage

All this hubbub over how much gas cars burn and the government won't even synchronize traffic lights. How much gas does that waste? An interesting study was done by a Stanford University researcher...
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