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The Pope’s Political Science

It's hard to criticize the pope. It is like criticizing your mom. She means well, probably. But that doesn't mean she's not wrong sometimes. This time, the pope is wrong - even...

You’ve Got Mail!

You've heard about the automated car. How about automated policing? Instead of government drones (that would be cops) picking our pockets at gunpoint, the "work" (and profit) is being turned over to private...


Imagine if you actually owned your car once you paid the seller for it in full. Did not have to put little stickers and metal plates on it owned by other people...

It Begins

If you saw into the floor joists holding up your house, eventually, something bad is going to happen. This by way of analogy may help to explain the recent murders of a...

Life in The Slow Lane (In a Fast Car)

In the '80s, when most cars were slow, you could drive fast and mostly get away with it. You might get a ticket. But going to jail - or even losing...

Tall Boys

The other day, I rolled my 1976 Pontiac Trans-Am out of the garage for a drive. As I backed it out, I looked left at the brand-new Nissan Sentra "press car"...

Crippling Technology

So much would be possible - if it weren't for the government. Government, remember, is not composed of experts in much of anything - except control and manipulation. Politicians and bureaucrats are...

Good Men

Can a good man spend his days doing bad things and remain a good man? What if he chooses to spend his days doing bad things and could at any time elect not...

The Other Side of The Thin Blue Line

Call it Karma - or maybe just payback. Either way, it's bad news. Last Friday, an Alabama cop pulled over a guy - apparently, over a traffic infraction. The guy argued with the cop; a...

History Repeats

Do you know why SUVs became so popular? It wasn't because of their, er, sportiness. Or even their utility. It was because they provided a way to get the size (especially under the...
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