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The Chicken Tax

Ever wonder why the biggest market for pick-up trucks (that's us, the U.S.) has so few trucks available? Yes, yes, there are the big ones - mostly made by the Big Three....

Mandatory In-Car Breathalyzers by 2020?

Drunk driving checkpoints presume you're drunk until you demonstrate otherwise to the satisfaction of a cop. In about five years - maybe sooner - your car may take over that job. NHTSA - the...

State Permission Slips

Licenses are chicken and egg. To qualify for, say, a road racing or heavy truck (commercial) license, one must already have attained the necessary skill. The license is a kind of...

If Distracted Driving is Bad…

We're told it's not safe to text while drive because that's a distraction. But how about all these buzzers and flashing lights and (yes, it's true) suddenly vibrating seats and steering wheels?...

Takata Air Bags Bad… Government Air Bags Good!

Probably the most interesting thing about the (can't help myself) exploding Takata air bag scandal is the doublethink it exposes. On the one hand, we are told - in the literal/parental sense...

“Green” is the Color of Money

Gas is cheaper than it's ever been. Well, it would be - if we were just paying for gas. But it's artificially more expensive because of the taxes - and regulatory costs -...

Fixing The Cop Problem

You've no doubt heard the term, "checks and balances." It's usually mentioned in the context of government - of the American form of government (well, its theoretical form) in particular. The...

Why The Young Hate Cars

Well, maybe hate is too strong. But they sure seem not to like them very much. As evidenced by the fact that a record-high percentage haven't even got a driver's license -...

It’s Not The Speeding… It’s The Double Standard

Here's a nice little video making the rounds online: Observe the Hero (as we're constantly told they are) driving at least 85 MPH - the car pacing him is going that fast and...

“Your” Car? Not So Much…

The government wants to control your car - how it's made, what it comes equipped with and (of course) how you're allowed to drive it. Now comes the other half of...
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