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A Miracle and a Tragedy

Henry Ford gets the credit for putting America on wheels via the Model T - which was not only the first mass-produced car but also the first affordable car, which is what...

The Clover Who Squealed

Late last week, it was revealed who squealed. The Clover responsible for making it impossible for any of us to buy a diesel-powered Volkswagen henceforth - and a lot more - is...

Hose Heroes?

Law enforcers aren't "heroes"  . . .  but what about firemen? Are they Hose Heroes? People are pressured to regard them as such. Much as they are pressured to genuflect, North Korean funeral-style, before...

The “Hero” Problem

When the state and its media bullhorns refer to armed government workers - law enforcers - as “heroes,” it’s a sign the hour is getting late. When most people don’t draw back...

The Orange Balloon Deflates

Trump could not replace - much less repeal - Obamacare. So, instead, he did what Republicans do best: Bomb foreigners, remotely. Even the Chimp-esque, Oceania tis' for thee verbiage is back. Remember...

A Hellcat Ride and Anarcho Tyranny

The Constitution says that “cruel and unusual” punishment is not to be administered. One assumes that includes disproportionate punishment. For example, that a person who violates a traffic law not be...

The Reverse Model T

Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, touts his latest electric car as the second coming of the Model T - an odd comparison given the Model 3 is everything the T was not. Henry...

Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others

One of the ways you know you live in a police state is when the police exempt themselves from the law and enforce made-up laws on the populace without any repercussions. For...

Going Without

People think it’s crazy to go without health insurance - not that it’s any of their business. But they think it is their business - and so we have Obamacare and...

They See Five Fingers Now…

After Winston had been taught to love Big Brother, you could find him sipping Victory Gin at the Chestnut Tree Cafe. VW’s “cheating” diesels - now approved by Big Brother - can...
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