Taxing (and Antiquing) Them Off the Road
For planned obsolescence to work, you’ve got to keep the conveyor belt rolling. And most of all, prevent anyone from getting off.
It is a problem if people “cling” to their old...
Dancing With Clovers
The other day, I bathed in the solar flare fury of a Clover affronted.
Luckily, I had my radiation suit on.
I was coming home from downtown, via a gravel road that dumps...
Brock Yates, Phone Home
The car press has become the propaganda ministry of entities and individuals who either know nothing about cars or who loathe cars.
Whichever it is, the end result is the same: The...
Why The Press is Hated . . .
The press wonders - or pretends to wonder - why it’s held in contempt by more than just a small handful of people. Maybe the pressies should read what they publish.
The other...
Trump Thinks Your Car’s Gas Mileage is . . .Your Business . ....
The Clovers are aghast that Trump is threatening to do the unimaginable - and stop threatening the car companies with federal fuel economy fatwas (and add-on fatwas forbidding or restricting how...
How Come It’s Suddenly Less “Safe” Out There?
New cars are - supposedly - "safer" than ever. Right? That's what the government has been telling us.
Each new fatwa - back-up cameras, tire pressure monitors, all those air bags -...
Viva Uber!
About four months from now, Americans will go through the sickly, depressing ritual of celebrating the liberties they no longer enjoy. This includes, among an almost infinite number of things now...
The Compliance Car
There’s a new model out you may not have heard about - the compliance car.
It’s a car that, for one reason or another, almost no one is willing to buy -...
Apocalypse Avoided?
If this one thing happens, electing Trump will have been worth the bother.
It's actually two things.
Trump's EPA will be "revisiting" the Obama EPA's last-minute fuel efficiency and emissions fatwas, hurriedly ululated...
Silence of the Lambs?
You'd think maybe he killed someone.
Oliver Schmidt is facing 169 years in prison.
Earlier this week, the 48-year-old German national was frog-marched before the judge who will preside over his coming criminal trail,...