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What Libertarianism isn’t . . .

Just when you think you've heard (and read) it all, something like this falls into your lap. It's a Bloomberg News critique of Libertarianism that equates it with - of all...

Uncomfortable Independence Day Questions

Here comes another Fourth of July - a good time to ask some serious questions - and ponder just how "free" we really are:    * Why is it ok to celebrate violent resistance to a...

What Made The Light Go On?

The "light" goes on for different reasons - and at different times. I entered young adulthood a "small government" conservative, probably because it appeared to jibe with my instinctive dislike of being...

The Fix Was In From The Beginning

I threw the Constitution in the woods years ago, when I became aware of its true nature as a document empowering government rather than protecting the rights of the people. The...

Esurance Is Watching You . . Or Soon Will Be

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo just signed off on a "plan" (you know there's trouble brewing whenever a control freak politician announces he has a "plan") touted as a way to "discourage"...

A Moment’s Feel of Freedom

I rode my bike without wearing a helmet the other day - just to remind myself of what it felt like to live in a semi-free country. It felt damned good. Helmets are...

Clover and The Fourth Amendment

A Clover - EPautos' term for people of the left and right persuasion, who love government force and despise individual rights - wrote the following love note to me in response...


The other day, two defective 12-year-old girls decided to try to impress a fictitious Internet character called Slenderman by stabbing their friend 19 times. It doesn't get much worse than that, human depravity-wise. Yet, no primal...

Inflation and Oil Changes

They tell us inflation - the benign-sounding word used to euphemize the deliberate devaluation of our money by simply creating new money (pieces of paper) out of thin air and flooding...

But How Would Roads Get Built?

Why is it that some people - most people, unfortunately - short-circuit when the idea of roads built by other-than-coercive methods comes up? McDonald's doesn't need to force people to buy Quarter...
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