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Speeding is a Capital Offense

Did you know that the penalty for speeding is death? It is something to think about as we head into the Farce of July and the sickly celebration of the freedoms we...

Transportation as a “Service”

Car ownership will soon be a thing of the past, some say. Some wish. Instead of buying a car every so often and driving that car for a period of years - and...

Whatever Happened to CNG-Powered Cars . . . ?

It’s interesting to speculate about why solutions that would have actually worked - which did work -  seem to always just kind of .  . .   go away.  Not the...

Demonizing the Demon (Again)

People who are jealous of their right to own firearms know how important it is to mercilessly stomp even the slightest suggestion that their right to own a gun be restricted...

The Money Pit

People made fun of cars like the Vega and Chevette - but at least GM made money on them. And when GM stopped making money on cars like them, it stopped...

The Anti-Diesel Jihad Expands

For reasons that aren’t inscrutable (give me a minute - I’ll explain) the jihad against diesels  is metastasizing to include FiatChrysler. The combine - which subsumes the Jeep and Ram truck brands...

There Will be More

Violence is, unfortunately, fungible. As this society becomes more and more officially violent, it is probable that unofficial violence will also increase. In fact, it is almost a mathematical axiom. It is...

Pop Goes The Car Bubble . . . And It May Not Be a...

Almost every negative thing happening in the car business - in particular, ludicrous technical complexity for the sake of electronic gimmickry and also to cope with diminishing returns federal “safety” and...

Another Gentle “Nudge” . . .

Whatever their failings, machines generally don’t second-guess you. Turn them on, turn them off. Point them in a certain direction. Command them to move or spin or do whatever it is...

Theocracy Advances in Utah… And Soon Near You, Too

The slippery slope argument gets mocked a lot - but here’s another case that proves the point: Utah has just done what thinking brains knew was inevitably coming. The state government has...
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