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Should New GM Be Liable for The Misdeeds of Old GM?

The unfolding fiasco over GM's apparent shoving-under-the-rug of a potentially life-ending defect with the ignition switches in millions of its vehicles brings up the interesting issue of moral hazard and how...

Going Limp

I've read that it's an effective defense tactic to go limp - become deadweight - in the event someone's trying to force you to go with them. It's advice directed mainly...

It’s Never Enough

Are new cars "dirty"? The average person probably thinks so, if he reads - and believes -  coverage of the Obama regime's latest fatwa regarding tailpipe emissions standards. Here's the lead from...

“Clover” & “Gil”

The other day, Prison Planet published an article about government trolls who are paid to post disruptive comments on contrarian (anti-government/anti-corporate) web sites. We've long suspected such trolls have attempted to...

Seatbelt Laws and Gun Control

First, an acknowledgement. A reader suggested this - I'm merely taking the ball down the field... . Getting pulled over for no other reason than you weren't wearing a seatbelt is now...

The Window’s Closing

2014 is the year we turned a historically significant corner. The self-driving car is officially in the works now; it is no longer speculative fiction. In a very real way, self-driving cars...

The Affordable Coffee Act

I mean, why not? If government - using its magical powers - can make health care "affordable" why not make everything people need (and hell, everything they want) affordable? It's a little mean-spirited...

Drive at Your Own Pace

On the main road that bisects my rural county, I typically lope along at 75 or so. This, to me - for me - is a reasonable speed. It's within my...

Tax By Mile Goose Steps Forward

I hate to say I told you so . . .  but, yeah, I told you so. The fuel-efficient (and planet friendly) hybrid/electric vehicles the government has been aggressively encouraging people to...

I Am Not a Christian, But . . .

Religious belief is ok with me. So is not-belief. I wish more Libertarians - and even "conservative" minarchist (small government) types - were also ok with either. There is an important lesson to...
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