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Annual Irony Day

We’re just weeks away from the Annual Irony - the day devoted to celebrating a revolt against the authority of a red, white and blue bully (George III) while living under...

Unsere Electric Only Zukunft

Did you catch that the internal combustion engine has been outlawed? Not here... not yet. In Germany - where a law has been passed requiring that all new cars registered come 2030 be “emissions free.” This...

Hall of Shame

That we are inmates in a lunatic asylum ought to be obvious - except it’s not, which explains precisely why it is a lunatic asylum. Ralph Nader - the mortal enemy of...

Charge It….

In “Third World” countries - the ones Americans take comfort in making fun of - they just take your money. The cops, I mean. No pretext, just hand it over. And now, here. The Oklahoma...


The criteria for defining an illegal search has never been whether you’re aware of the search having been performed. If, for instance, investigators sneak into your house, go through your things...

When “If It Saves One Life” Doesn’t Seem to Matter…

There are millions of cars out there with ticking time bombs in their dashboards … and steering wheels. Air bags with defective components produced by Takata, a Japanese company that supplied...

The Choice

Libertarians face a tough choice this fall - chiefly because Libertarians have no desire to choose a “leader” for themselves or anyone else. The ideal choice would be to not have...

Do “Blue Lives” Matter?

Do “blue lives” matter more than other lives? According to Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, they do. He signed a new law last week making attacks on armed government workers - you...

A Libertarian Lexicon

Well, an EPautos Libertarian Lexicon! I get asked frequently about the meaning of some commonly used terms, known to EPautos regulars but less well-known to people new to this corner of the...

Hillary Wants You to Drive 55… Again

Donald Trump doesn’t want to Drive 55 - but Hillary does. Well, she wants us to drive 55. The Dear Leader’s armored limo, of course, is not subject to any speed limits. They...
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