People as Poultry
We live in a lunatic asylum ... the lunatics being us.
For believing we ever lived in a "free" country. As long ago as the reign of His Rotundity - the second...
And Now Mercedes…
Looks like Mercedes is in Uncle's gunsights now.
With VW shot full of holes and sinking fast over the diesel emissions “cheating” scandal, the heavy artillery has been retrained, azimuth and altitude calculated,...
A Tale Of Two Car Companies
Here’s a tale of two start-up car companies: Elio Motors and ... Tesla.
One execrable, the other admirable.
Elio is developing a low-cost ($6,800 to start) very high mileage (80-plus MPG) commuter car.
The Tesla 3 … and “Shit Talkers” Like Me
It’s depressing when even Jalopnik - a car site that’s supposed to be into cars - throws a bukakke party for the new Tesla 3.
Which is a car in the same...
VW Says: Thank You Sir! May I have Another?
So why did VW "cheat"? Uncle?
That question hasn't been asked enough. It ought to be.
Now we have the answer - confirmation of what I suspected and wrote about earlier when this "scandal"...
No Dividends For You!
First, it was (cue the Soup Nazi voice) no affordable diesels for you!
Now, it's no dividends for you.
If you've invested in VW stock, it looks like you're out of luck. The...
A Randian Derides “Libertarians” Who Don’t Support Ted Cruz
My recent column, A Long, Hot summer (here) which wasn't so much a defense of Donald Trump as it was a celebration of the salutary effect Trump's candidacy is having on the irremediably...
Uncles Great and Small
The assault on VW for "cheating" Uncle is metastasizing.
The little Uncles - state governments - are piling on.
Five of them (New Jersey, Texas, New Mexico, Kentucky and West Virginia) have formally...
Another Bubble… On The Verge of Popping
Termites start low and work their way up. By the time you notice them, it's often already too late to save the place. All you can do is rebuild, start over.
A Long, Hot Summer is Coming
Whatever happens, it's going to get ugly.
If Trump is nominated, there will be riots - the Perpetually (and professionally) Aggrieved will take to the streets.
If Trump is denied the nomination, there will be...