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Peacekeeping II: Addendum

My article on "A Return to Peacekeeping" (here) has done what I had hoped - prompt serious discussion about practical ways to ratchet down the police state  . . . before...

A Step Back Toward Peace Keeping

I grew up in an America with cops in the background. Most people - being not criminals - had almost no interaction with them and when they did it was generally...

If It’s Not About The Money . . .

Ron Martin of Frisco, Texas says his goal is the same as that of police: To encourage safe driving. But the cops' goal, of course, is different. Their goal is revenue...

If Your Car Doesn’t “Talk”. . .

Sometime this year, unelected bureaucrats in the bowels of  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - the federal regulatory apparat that issues "rules" (that is, arbitrary orders we're all forced to obey)...

Why “Legal” Pot May Turn Out to Be Bad News

Legalizing pot may turn out to be a not very good idea. Not because the state (or anyone) has the right to tell a person what they may or may not...

The Speed Limit Cargo Cult

One of the oddest totemistic fetishes of our age is worship of metal signs with various symbols imprinted upon them. Speed limit signs, for instance. People are supposed to reflexively obey them...

Good Cops?

All cops are bad – by definition. Harsh statement? Certainly. It does not make it less true - like an accurate terminal cancer diagnosis. Pretending otherwise doesn't alter the reality. Whether the cops...

Americans Don’t Drive

Americans are a passive people - much as they like to imagine themselves vigorous, decisive and independent. They like to watch football. And they certainly don't do much more than that...

The Bailout

In Washington, they always try to announce unpleasantness during the off-hours (weekends, holidays and such) so that - hopefully - the stink will be less noticed. In Detroit, too. The recent announcement of...

Such a Deal!

Toyota might want to consider packing up the plug-in version of its Prius hybrid and sending it off to the Land of Unwanted Toys. Though the regular Prius is popular, the plug-in...
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