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Your Brother’s Keeper

In Connecticut, prosecutors are beta-testing a new legal doctrine: That a person can be held criminally responsible for the actions of other people. The case at issue (see here) involves two teenage...

Officer Safety . . .

If it is reasonable - justifiable - for a cop to base every interaction with a citizen on the presumption that the citizen might be a threat to his "safety," isn't...

What Republicans Won’t Ever Say About Obamacare

I keep getting forwarded e-mails from "conservative Republicans" moaning about Obamacare. Of course, none challenge the ethical idea behind it - this notion that people have a right to medical care...

The Corn Lobby Loses One . . . Maybe

Every once in awhile, some good news. Maybe. The Environmental Protection Agency - usually strident, ideological and unreasonable - has suggested doing something reasonable: It has proposed reducing the total amount (and the...

The “War” on Some “Drugs”

I recently posted a video news story (see here) about a slightly built man with Down's Syndrome who had his colostomy bag ripped from his body (and suffered a beat-down by...

Good Works?

A reader asks: "Why is it per se wrong to work for the government? Let’s say you’re working as a firefighter. Or a teacher (presuming you aren’t indoctrinating your students with statism,...

Why Don’t Cops Ever Enforce (Or Even Know) “The Law”?

Troll around YouTube (or read the news, even casually) and you will readily come across examples of cops who don't know the law - and enforce their own conception of it...

Time Bandits

"What's the big hurry?" - Clover's standard refrain. It is the peal of the left-lane hog, the cry of the slow-motion merger; the eructation of the guy who refuses to even...

Why Not?

In this economy, can anyone seriously doubt that there is a market for simple, reliable – and inexpensive – transportation? In any case, why not let the market operate? Why not allow...

Clover Taxonomy VI – The Last Word?

It may be the fluoridation of the water. Possibly the chem trails. Perhaps it is an assault at the micro-genetic level. Who can say? Whatever the source, Cloverism is propagating. There are...
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