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Well, I told ya so. First they hacked the Google car. Now, it appears, they - "they" being hackers - could, in principle at least, take over half-a-million Jeeps (and other Fiat-Chrysler...

Why Punish People for “Speeding”?

Why should anyone be subject to punishment merely for driving "x" speed? Is it not of a piece with punishing someone for merely consuming alcohol? The justification usually given is that "speeding"...

Will The Bandit (And General Lee) Be Outlawed Next?

There is a very  good reason why the Confederate flag is under attack. It is because it is the rebel flag. The flag of resistance, of (as columnist Fred Reed so neatly...

Our Muskian and Google-ized Future

No sane person "hates" - as I have been accused of "hating"-  electric cars or self-driving cars or air bags or any other technology or device. Hating them is as irrational as...

Bad Karma

What if you build it - and they don't come? Send the bill to the taxpayers! Twice. This is how you make money in the New America. Well, the green America. Don't earn it. Steal it. The...

Changing of Our Guards

This weekend we celebrate the changing of our guard. Which, when you stop to think about it, is more than a little odd. Do the inmates of Rikers Island throw a party...

The Chicken Tax

Ever wonder why the biggest market for pick-up trucks (that's us, the U.S.) has so few trucks available? Yes, yes, there are the big ones - mostly made by the Big Three....

Mandatory In-Car Breathalyzers by 2020?

Drunk driving checkpoints presume you're drunk until you demonstrate otherwise to the satisfaction of a cop. In about five years - maybe sooner - your car may take over that job. NHTSA - the...

State Permission Slips

Licenses are chicken and egg. To qualify for, say, a road racing or heavy truck (commercial) license, one must already have attained the necessary skill. The license is a kind of...

If Distracted Driving is Bad…

We're told it's not safe to text while drive because that's a distraction. But how about all these buzzers and flashing lights and (yes, it's true) suddenly vibrating seats and steering wheels?...
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