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Drives Me Up The Wall

Some people are mad at GM (and Chrysler) over the bailout bucks. I'm not happy about that, either. But lately, I'm mad at Ford - which bequeathed unto us the idiot...

Seatbelt Laws Can Be Deadly

Not "buckling up for safety" can get you killed all right. By a cop. That's what happened to Deland, Florida resident Marlon Brown about a week ago. Brown was killed - run...

Nine Speeds, Ten Speeds: All To Keep Up With CAFE

In a few years, six-speed transmissions will probably seem as dated as Powerglides or threes-on-the-tree do today. Several current model-year cars already have seven and even eight-speed transmissions (Porsche 911, Chrysler...

Clover Taxonomy IV

Keeping track of Clovers is almost a full-time job. Like whack-a-mole, they just keep popping up! Here are the latest specimens, submitted for your delectation: * The Cop-Bedazzled Clover -  He's the one...

Sail Fawn Big Brother

I probably won't be able to write new car reviews come next year - or the year after. Because I probably won't be able to drive the damn things anymore. Maybe...


If electric cars are The Future, why are so many automakers - quietly - backing away from them? GM has decided against mass production of its Adam electric city-car. Audi has kiboshed...

I’ve Got a Golden Ticket

I use the bike as my Willie Wonka golden ticket to get me away from/around anything annoying – and to a better place. Nothing – nothing – beats a speedy bike...

Automotive Preps

If the S hits the F, will you look like ZZ Top a month afterward? Assuming you don't want to you won't have to - if you stocked up on razor...

Clover Taxonomy III

Just as entomologists are always discovering some new species of beetle, new forms of Clover are constantly being identified and cataloged. Here, fresh from recent field research, are a few of the...

Congress Exploits Our Fears to Take Our Liberty

Ron Paul April 22, 2013 This week, as Americans were horrified by the attacks in Boston, both houses of Congress considered legislation undermining our liberty in the name of “safety.” Gun control continued...
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