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All Over The Road Clover

But, he's not "drunk" - so it's ok! The driver (loosely used) in the video above was almost certainly sober. But his form of impairment (incompetence? senility?) is not socially stigmatized, much...

Automotive Affirmative Action

Would you buy a money hog? Arguably, that's what any hybrid - or electric - car has become given what's happened to the price of gas. Hybrid and electric cars aren't selling well...

Roaches Don’t Like The Light

What possible legitimate objection could any cop have to being video/audio recorded while performing his "duties"?  As the saying goes, if you've got nothing to hide... . But of course, there is much to...

Ignorance of The Law is Now An Excuse … For Cops

One of the last rickety supports holding up the rule of law was thrown in the woods by the Supreme Court a couple weeks back. In Heien vs. North Carolina, the court...

Electric Pegasus

Pegasus was a horse with wings who was supposed to be able to both run and fly. Of course, he could do neither - because to be a horse means not...

Car Prices Would Go Down… If The Free Market Were Allowed to Operate

How much would the average new car cost if the least expensive new car you could buy cost around $5,000? Probably, a lot less than the current average price paid of just...

The Veal Pen… aka What Clover Believes

A reader submitted the following in response to an article I wrote deriding "for profit" law enforcement:  "Clover (for newbies, the term is inside baseball; it refers to a persistent troll who...

“Good People”

I've mentioned my neighbor, the state cop, before. We know one another; I've been over to his house - and he to mine. He has an old bike - and we've...

For-Profit Policing

You've heard of greasing the skids? A bill introduced in the Texas legislature would do just that - giving cops credit card readers, as an adjunct to their radar detectors. Instead of...

The Right to Resist

If  someone attacks you, it is unquestioned  that you have a right to defend yourself. If, in the process, the attacker is injured - even killed - it's fundamentally on him. Why does this maxim not...
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