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TSA To Blame For More Deaths Than Al Qaeda

We're told Gate Rape saves lives - pure conjecture, since it's all hypothetical. After all, not one "terrorist" has been caught (much less stopped) as a result of  the terroristic tactics...

Can You Be A “Good” King?

Saw this on Alt-Market, a pretty simple explanation.  But that won't matter for many people.  So you think you could be a "good" king/emporer/ruler/government?  The only thing for a moral "king"...

“Creating Jobs”

Both candidates for the consulship of America entreated the electorate with fulsome promises that "jobs would be created" by them once (s)elected. This goes unremarked - or worse, openly cheered. Yet...

Farewell Ron

Ron Paul is a man that would have fit in well with the Founding Fathers, he is a true renaissance man.  His last time speaking as a member of CONgress is...

Support The Troops?

I'd like to - and would - if "the troops" were actually defending "our freedoms" - rather than stomping the freedoms of people across the globe. Us included, I hasten to...

Better Stock Up….

The countdown just started. The re(s)election of Barack Obama has assured not only economic collapse (equally inevitable had The Wall Street Stooge been selected) but also a guaranteed gun grab in...

Tomorrow’s (S)election

What was it Bill Murray's character chanted in Meatballs? It just doesn't matter. Or rather, it might - but not for the obvious reasons. Either way, the country will have an authoritarian corporatist...

On “Speeding”

The government cares about revenue - and control. It posts speed limits accordingly. At best - that is, assuming benevolent if condescending intent - they are posted based on the least common...

A Four-Wheeled Measure of Inflation

Uncle says inflation is only robbing us of 2 percent of our wealth each year. (That is what inflation does - it undermines the value of the cash you have -...

50 MPG Then – and Now

Getting 50 MPG out of a gallon of gas has gotten a lot more expensive over the past 20-something years. Back in 1990, it only cost $5,995 - $10,614 in corrected-for-2012...
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