Why The Young Hate Cars
Well, maybe hate is too strong.
But they sure seem not to like them very much. As evidenced by the fact that a record-high percentage haven't even got a driver's license -...
It’s Not The Speeding… It’s The Double Standard
Here's a nice little video making the rounds online:
Observe the Hero (as we're constantly told they are) driving at least 85 MPH - the car pacing him is going that fast and...
“Your” Car? Not So Much…
The government wants to control your car - how it's made, what it comes equipped with and (of course) how you're allowed to drive it. Now comes the other half of...
Cloverism Leads to a Wreck
There's a video circulating online that shows events leading up to a pretty awful wreck involving a Camaro, a pick-up truck and a tractor-trailer big rig. Most of the jeers are...
You Say You Want a Revolution?
Looking back on the American Revolution, John Adams (in 1813) wrote:
"But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war...
When You Can’t Give ‘Em Away…
When you have to resort to paying people to buy something, it ought to tell you something about the value of the thing you're trying to "sell."
Such thoughts apparently haven't occurred to...
Bicycle Licenses…
How come they don't require bicyclists to have licenses - and carry insurance?
Put another way - in the language of Cloverism (authoritarian collectivism; see here for a fuller explanation) how come they're allowed...
The End of AM/FM Radio?
A new car without a radio?
It sounds as unthinkable as a new car without floor mats or a heater. But there is a real danger that your next new car might...
The Insurance Agenda?
Without all this insurance, most of us would be pretty rich.
Or at least, not poor.
But that (us being poor, or at least struggling) may be exactly what's wanted.
It is very hard...
“Parental” Car Controls…
It's being touted as "parental control" technology - a way for worried parents to keep tabs on their teenaged drivers. But what's good for the proverbial goose (the 17-year-old) is just...