The Affordable Coffee Act
I mean, why not?
If government - using its magical powers - can make health care "affordable" why not make everything people need (and hell, everything they want) affordable?
It's a little mean-spirited...
Drive at Your Own Pace
On the main road that bisects my rural county, I typically lope along at 75 or so. This, to me - for me - is a reasonable speed. It's within my...
Tax By Mile Goose Steps Forward
I hate to say I told you so . . . but, yeah, I told you so.
The fuel-efficient (and planet friendly) hybrid/electric vehicles the government has been aggressively encouraging people to...
I Am Not a Christian, But . . .
Religious belief is ok with me.
So is not-belief.
I wish more Libertarians - and even "conservative" minarchist (small government) types - were also ok with either.
There is an important lesson to...
Peacekeeping II: Addendum
My article on "A Return to Peacekeeping" (here) has done what I had hoped - prompt serious discussion about practical ways to ratchet down the police state . . . before...
A Step Back Toward Peace Keeping
I grew up in an America with cops in the background. Most people - being not criminals - had almost no interaction with them and when they did it was generally...
If It’s Not About The Money . . .
Ron Martin of Frisco, Texas says his goal is the same as that of police: To encourage safe driving. But the cops' goal, of course, is different. Their goal is revenue...
If Your Car Doesn’t “Talk”. . .
Sometime this year, unelected bureaucrats in the bowels of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - the federal regulatory apparat that issues "rules" (that is, arbitrary orders we're all forced to obey)...
Why “Legal” Pot May Turn Out to Be Bad News
Legalizing pot may turn out to be a not very good idea. Not because the state (or anyone) has the right to tell a person what they may or may not...
The Speed Limit Cargo Cult
One of the oddest totemistic fetishes of our age is worship of metal signs with various symbols imprinted upon them.
Speed limit signs, for instance. People are supposed to reflexively obey them...