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Darren Wilson may be a decent man, out of uniform. I do not know him, so I cannot say. He is, however, a cop. A law enforcer. That is known. And that is why he is reviled. Not...

When Air Bags Kill

Well, how 'bout it? If you've been anywhere near a TeeVee or radio lately, you're probably aware that the explosive devices government forces every car company to build into its cars sometimes......

Cloverific Grade School Primer

The following is interesting on several levels: First, contemplate the atrocious - borderline illiterate - construction of this instruction; the Cloverific short-bus cadences: "That means you are a member of our country." "How can you...

The “Peak Oil” Con

I’ve been reading about “peak oil” being imminent since the ’70s. Oil may indeed be a finite resource but the relevant question is: How much is left? It appears there’s more...

Is Alloy Your Ally?

You may have read about 2015 Ford F-150, which will have an aluminum rather than steel body. It will be significantly lighter than the same truck made of steel, aluminum weighing...

Dear Clover…

EPautos' resident authoritarian apologist - Clover - let fly with the following intellectually (and grammatically) palsied, ethically crippled commentary in defense of dragnet-style, random and arbitrary "safety" checkpoints: Eric asking you to...

Vidcast: But There’d Be No Roads!

Libertarians get hit with this dead fish all the time. Viz, that if coercive collectivism (take your pick, the Democratic variety or the Republican - or some other) were thrown in...

Pay The Fine – Or Pay The Shyster

Why is it effectively impossible to contest a traffic ticket without a lawyer? Emphasis on effectively. Yes, it's possible to learn the legalisms and procedures; the dance steps that are required in order...

Vidcast: Presumptive guilt

This Vidcast was inspired by my muse, Clover, whose every view seems to be based on the idea of presumptive guilt. This is an idea similar to "pre-crime" - if you...


Government is nonsense and force - assembled in either order. Those mandatory "safety" inspections most of us are forced to deal with every year, for instance. The presumption underlying them is, of course,...
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