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Motorcycle Clovers…

I used to think that people who ride are almost by default non-Clovers. It takes higher-order skills, for one, to ride a motorcycle than it does to drive a car. In...


Newtie last night admonished the public to be "humane" when it comes to illegal aliens. He, like all modern statists, is very generous - with other people's money. The main objection...

The Opportunity Cost of Cloverism

The other day I was waiting at one of those lights that never changes - or at least, takes a really really long time to change. Of course, there was no...

Obama-Romney’s “Free Rider”

Who is this "free rider" that Republican contender for Front Man Mitt Romney was talking about when he ginned-up what subsequently became the model for Obamacare in Massachusetts? He of course...

What Will We Say?

What will we say when the government announces that "for security reasons" it will begin conducting random checks of our homes? That we will be required by law to open our...

A Practical Guide For Dealing With Cops

There are two main schools of thought when it comes to dealing with a cop during a traffic stop (or "safety" checkpoint). One of them is disgustingly obsequious, unworthy of a...

Our Christian Nation

Americans - well, a vocal portion of Americans, at least - likes to style itself as more than usually upright and moral. The "family values" schtick. Republicans especially eat this up...

Avoiding the Corn Con

It all started back in the '80s. If you're of a certain vintage, you may remember. In winter, they began to "oxygenate" - that is, adulterate - gasoline with additives such...

Reckless Ridiculousness

Do you think it's reasonable to put someone in jail for up to a full year, fine them thousands of dollars (not counting lawyer fees) and then punish them for an...

The Return of Clover, Mark I

The original Clover - the self-named (and appropriately named) poster-heckler who inadvertently provided me with a wonderful term to describe Statist Americanus - has returned. And he has learned nothing, as...
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