Why Won’t They Leave Us Alone?
The simple answer is - because they can't.
Cloverism is a one-way street.
Libertarians, anarchists and others who hew to the philosophy of live - and let live - aren't the least...
Insurance & Racial Profiling
There is near-universal outrage when an individual is treated as a member of a group when that group is racial or ethnic in composition. More than that - it is illegal...
Everyday Preps
When people talk about "preps" they're usually talking about things like ammunition and food - both of which, obviously, are good things to keep handy in the event the SHTF. But,...
Hyundai Sued by The Illiterate
Hyundai Motors is the target of a lawsuit - possibly, a class action lawsuit - because one of its customers can't read.
Louis Bird of Sacramento, CA bought a 2011 Elantra...
Insuring the Driver – Not The Vehicles
Mandatory car insurance is a pretty hateful concept - a form of prior restraint that says, in effect, because you may cause injury you must be insured against the possibility. Even...
Winning Arguments
The speech Morpheus gave to Neo in the original Matrix was elegant - and eloquent. But we're not in a movie - and most of us are not masters of verbal...
Goodbye, V-8s. Maybe This Time, For Good
V-8s are on the way out - again.
The first mass extinction occurred circa late 1970s/early '80s - as a result of the first round of the government fuel economy edicts...
Why Do We Obey?
If some random guy ordered you to submit to his will - or else - most of us would at least consider it assault. Many of us would try to escape...
Using The Same logic…
We're told there's no legitimate use for an "assault rife" - that is, a rifle that looks menacing because it has a military-style stock or flash suppressor. Even though it functions...
V2V: The End of Driving . . . By You, Anyhow
You're going to love - or dread - this.
Vehicle to Vehicle communication - V2V, as its designers style it - is a system that will - that already is -...