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Smashing The Illusion of Consent… Peacefully

Refusing to fly again until TSA Submission Training is done away with - and not buying cars equipped with Big Brother technology - that's a good start on the path back...

Game The System

I'm sick of it. Being punished for daring to own more than one vehicle, that is. How am I being punished? How are you being punished (if you also own more...

The Hit List

There's a saying among lawyers: "Hard cases make bad law." What it means, essentially, is that it's easy to allow one's emotions to supersede reason - and set a terrible precedent...

What Could We Do?

I've had numerous responses to articles I've written asking me, "Ok, so what's the next step?" I respect your intelligence, so I won't say ... voting. We have about as much real...

GM is Watching You…

I have never liked GM's OnStar system - in part because I don't like the idea of my car that I paid for having someone else's "black box" recording (and transmitting)...

Left on Red

Well, why not? If the way is obviously clear in both directions, if it's obviously safe to enter the intersection, make your turn and proceed. . . why not proceed? Because of The...

400 MPG… Or Conspiracy Theory?

Maybe the conspiracy theorists were right after all.  That was the first thought to pop into my head as I read about an engineer named Steve Fambro - and his 400 mpg...

The New RoboCop Car

If you're old enough - or just like old movies - you'll get a deja vu kick (in the head) when you read about the new Carbon Cop Car, the E7....

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

St. Rodney the Divine posed this question almost 15 years ago and it's just as relevant today. Road manners in the United States are atrocious. Obliviousness, incompetence and deliberate passive-aggressiveness make the...

Why the Majors Love Mandates

I've written previously about the add-on cost of government-mandated "safety" equipment such as multiple air bags and (most recently) stability control, tire pressure monitors and (soon) back-up cameras and (very possibly)...
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