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Throw (Clean) Diesels in the Woods?

Diesel engines could deliver us - from high transportation costs. There is no reason - well, no technical or economic reason - why consumers couldn't have access to $15,000 subcompact economy cars...

Safety Inspections

One of the hallmarks of the Clover Mind is acceptance as an article of faith that most people are too dumb to do that which is in their self-interest without the...

Bears Stomping Cars

In Cuba, they're still driving cars from the '50s. Not to antique car shows on nice Sunday afternoons, but every day. Because Cubans can't afford new cars. Soon, most Americans won't be able...

Maybe Napoleon Was Right…

Napoleon believed in liberty - just not for most people. Most people, he reportedly said, are herd-cattle not capable of living as individuals in society without the external restraint of authority to...


One of the worst aspects (and there are many) of "law enforcement" in Late-Empire America is the unwarranted - rapid and violent - escalation of response by police, often out of...

Debt by a Thousand Little Cuts….

In Medieval times, supposedly, there was a punishment called "death by a thousand cuts," designed to make the process as long and as painful as possible. In modern times, the state...

2011: A DMV Odyssey

Big Brother's doing a bit more than just watching you these days. Remember the last time you got your driver's license renewed? You may recall the procedure for taking your picture was...

Over-insured America

I wish more people would stop to think about what making any product mandatory will necessarily do its cost - as well as to the “service” provided. If you can’t say...

Why Casey Anthony Got Away With it…

I know why child-killer Casey Anthony was found (cough) "not guilty." It's the same reason why American drivers - most of them - will never dare turn right on red (even if...

Life in the Slow Fast Lane

In the '80s, when most cars were slow, you could drive fast and mostly get away with it. Or at least. you could do it and (usually) not risk a beating...
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