“Clover” & “Gil”
The other day, Prison Planet published an article about government trolls who are paid to post disruptive comments on contrarian (anti-government/anti-corporate) web sites. We've long suspected such trolls have attempted to...
Seatbelt Laws and Gun Control
First, an acknowledgement. A reader suggested this - I'm merely taking the ball down the field... .
Getting pulled over for no other reason than you weren't wearing a seatbelt is now...
The Window’s Closing
2014 is the year we turned a historically significant corner. The self-driving car is officially in the works now; it is no longer speculative fiction.
In a very real way, self-driving cars...
The Affordable Coffee Act
I mean, why not?
If government - using its magical powers - can make health care "affordable" why not make everything people need (and hell, everything they want) affordable?
It's a little mean-spirited...
Drive at Your Own Pace
On the main road that bisects my rural county, I typically lope along at 75 or so. This, to me - for me - is a reasonable speed. It's within my...
Tax By Mile Goose Steps Forward
I hate to say I told you so . . . but, yeah, I told you so.
The fuel-efficient (and planet friendly) hybrid/electric vehicles the government has been aggressively encouraging people to...
I Am Not a Christian, But . . .
Religious belief is ok with me.
So is not-belief.
I wish more Libertarians - and even "conservative" minarchist (small government) types - were also ok with either.
There is an important lesson to...
Peacekeeping II: Addendum
My article on "A Return to Peacekeeping" (here) has done what I had hoped - prompt serious discussion about practical ways to ratchet down the police state . . . before...
A Step Back Toward Peace Keeping
I grew up in an America with cops in the background. Most people - being not criminals - had almost no interaction with them and when they did it was generally...
If It’s Not About The Money . . .
Ron Martin of Frisco, Texas says his goal is the same as that of police: To encourage safe driving. But the cops' goal, of course, is different. Their goal is revenue...