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Seeing Yellow… But Not For Very Long

Ever get the feeling that traffic lights stay yellow for shorter intervals than they used to? Turns out, you're not imagining it. Yellow intervals have been shortened at traffic lights in many areas...

When America Went Crazy

America lost its mind 146 years ago and hasn't been the same since. Or rather, it's been a different country ever since. A psychotic, self-referential, duplicitous country - largely ignorant of its...

Conversations With a Clover….

In honor of July 4 - the lingering spirit of it, if not the actuality - I decided to publish a "letter to Clover" as a way to show how anti-freedom...

The Obama Car

Now Obama's decided to ban cars outright. Not in so many words, perhaps - but the end result of his just-announced "proposal" that new cars be required by law to average 56.2...

Where it all Began…

It's not hard to pinpoint the exact moments when the Constitution was explicitly disavowed by the robed shysters charged (by themselves) with "interpreting" it. Once such moment was 21 years ago, in...

RIP, Tesla: You Deserved to Die

Chalk this up to Lesson Not Learned. The Tesla electric sports car is dead - a victim of its own defective economics. This was not unpredictable. The company created an electric version of...

The All-American Camaro… 66 percent of it, at least

Well, this is going to get me in trouble with the "buy American" crowd, but I can't help myself. What could be more American than a Camaro? It's both a Chevrolet and...

Goodbye, Number Five

Next time you get pulled over by a cop - or stopped for absolutely no specific reason at one of those random "sobriety checkpoint" - you might want to remember the...

Wouldn’t it be nice….

Many of us have come to view traffic cops as little better than armed tax collectors deployed to fleece motorists for the benefit of state/local government. Fixing the system - and...

What That IIHS Report Really Meant….

Have you read this new Insurance Institute for Highway Safety report about the crashworthiness of "SUVs"? Apparently, not many of the reporters who've been covering it have. More likely, they just...
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