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The Electric Car Albatross

Electric cars make sense at amusement parks and golf courses - and on the road, if the road is mostly flat, it's nice and warm out (but not too warm) you've...

The Little Things that lead to Big Things

The Big Stuff - mass arrests, openly lawless government - necessarily comes after the Little Stuff. When people tolerate the Little Stuff, or lose their capacity to be outraged by it,...

We’re “Covered” – But We’re Broke….

Insurance - over-insurance, excessive insurance, really - is arguably one of the reasons why so many people are having trouble making ends meet. When you add up homeowner's insurance, health insurance, car...

It’s All Lance Armstrong’s Fault…

There is an outfit called "Critical Mass" that seems determined to make motorists hate cyclists even more than many already do - if such a thing is possible. Like Mothers Against Drunk...

The Jesus Hoover…

Are people who are fervently religious - cocksure that their religion is the right and only true religion - mentally ill, sloppy thinkers, or just a bit on the dumb side? I'm...

When Decent People Start to Fear – and Loathe Cops…

Most everyone has witnessed cops speeeeeding - not on a call, just driving somewhere . Yet they can do it with impunity. Case in point: A few months back, the wife and...

Back to School… For Older Drivers?

Driver's Ed: It's not just for teenagers anymore. In Virginia, the state DMV has a service set up that puts elderly drivers - or their family members - in touch...

Hidden In Plain Sight… With Low, Low Monthly Payments

If people could not or did not finance new cars, new car "sales" would probably drop by 75 percent - and two-thirds of the currently-in-business car companies would probably be out...

The Fourth of July: Why Bother?

The Fourth of July is weeks away now - but what are we celebrating, really? Independence from Great Britain? Ok, that I'll buy. But the Fourth is also taken as a...

Detroit’s Next Big Problem… And Japan’s, Too

Would you buy a Chinese car? The "Western" automobile industry - our guys, the Europeans and even the Japanese - are praying to the Motor Gods you won't want to. Detroit ...
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