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Better Stock Up….

The countdown just started. The re(s)election of Barack Obama has assured not only economic collapse (equally inevitable had The Wall Street Stooge been selected) but also a guaranteed gun grab in...

Tomorrow’s (S)election

What was it Bill Murray's character chanted in Meatballs? It just doesn't matter. Or rather, it might - but not for the obvious reasons. Either way, the country will have an authoritarian corporatist...

On “Speeding”

The government cares about revenue - and control. It posts speed limits accordingly. At best - that is, assuming benevolent if condescending intent - they are posted based on the least common...

A Four-Wheeled Measure of Inflation

Uncle says inflation is only robbing us of 2 percent of our wealth each year. (That is what inflation does - it undermines the value of the cash you have -...

50 MPG Then – and Now

Getting 50 MPG out of a gallon of gas has gotten a lot more expensive over the past 20-something years. Back in 1990, it only cost $5,995 - $10,614 in corrected-for-2012...

On Us vs. Them

The movie, The Matrix, explains a great deal. Most people are brought up from birth within the system – “the matrix” – and psychologically and socially and culturally conditioned to accept it...

The Holocaust Shuffle

In the '70s, there was The Hustle. We've got a new dance here in the Homeland. It's called The Holocaust Shuffle. The steps are easy to learn. Just stand here, legs...

How “Safety” Requirements Make Your Car Less Actually Safe

The government enacts laws - or issues regulatory fatwas - requiring that new cars comply with various "safety" standards. Ironically, the result of these standards - in terms of vehicle design...

Tata vs. Uncle

We may soon have access to affordable new cars once more - if Uncle will allow it. Tata Motors - a major automaker in India - recently announced plans to bring...

End-Running Clover

I wouldn't have any issue with Clovers (see here for samples) if they were wiling to live their Cloverish lives as they see fit - and willing to leave the rest...
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