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A Nation of Cringing Wretches….

I've yet to be fingerprinted. Probably you've never been fingerprinted, either. In fact, the majority of Americans (excepting those who volunteered for the military or who've applied for a concealed weapons...

Payin’ Paper – and How to Avoid Getting it…

Most speed traps involve a stationary patrol car and a radar gun. And radar can’t single out a particular car in a pack of fast-moving vehicles. It’s up to the cop...

63 MPGs – just not for us…

The new Mini Cooper Countryman can get 63 MPGs on the highway - just not on our highways. Like so many other high-mileage, diesel-powered vehicles, it's not available in the United States....

The Road Rage Defuser (Or How To Avoid Being A Clover)

Road rage is a function of Cloverism - inept, oblivious and passive-aggressive "driving." Do your part to keep creeping Cloverism in check by avoiding these common examples of Clover-ish conduct behind the...

It’s Not The Sail Fawns…

The geese have erupted into their usual flapping and screeching over reports that yet another study shows (supposedly) that using sail fawns while driving contributes to distracted driving - and accidents. But...

We Can’t Drive 55 – Even Though 75 (or Faster) is Legal Again

Americans' love affair with the car may be headed for divorce court, according to a survey done by the Pew Research Center. It found that the number of people who still...

More Digitized Idiot Proofing on Deck for 2014

Is Detroit responsible for making sure you don't back-up over your child? What if you don't have a child? Better yet, what if you know to drive?  Well, it doesn't matter. The National...

Because It’s “The Law”….

Most states now have mandatory"buckle up" seat belt laws. But - strangely, when you think about it - no state requires that a motorcyclist wear more than a helmet. So, on...

The Chiiiiiiiiiilllllllllldren

Maybe this bugs you, too? There's a "school zone" ahead and - clearly, obviously - there are no kids about. But the DANGER! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!! flashing lights are on anyhow -...

Cash For Everyone…

There's a federal cash giveaway for almost everything on four wheels - except things that make economic sense. Two years ago, the government paid people to throw away perfectly good older cars...
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