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On Cyclists and Cars – and Common Sense and Coexistence

As a biker (and someone who rode bicycles in the past) I'm sympathetic to people on bicycles. Cagers (people in cars) can be dicks. Courtesy - and common sense - should extend...

Thank Uncle For The New (and $40k) COP-Spec Taurus SHO

It's getting harder to pick out cop cars in a crowd - and very soon, it's going to get much harder still. Also, a lot more expensive for us - ticket-wise...

Why Clover Thinks He’s Free

Clovers are ok with the American Police State because to them, it's not a police state. They see no imposition - much less tyranny. They see "democracy," lawful order. The flag...

The Electric Car Imbroglio is About to Get Even More Expensive…

In just a few months from now, it will be $2,500 easier to "buy" a new electric car. I put "buy" in quotes because in fact, other people will be paying...

A Few Questions to Ask….

Debating the merits of  a particular government policy or proposal with authoritarian-minded political opponents is pointless - if you're hoping to persuade, at any rate. Far better to ask them a...

55 MPG is Going to Cost Us

It's fortunate for the car industry that the government regards it as "too big to fail" - because it's going to fail again. Because of the government. This will be third...

Why Won’t They Leave Us Alone?

The simple answer is - because they can't. Cloverism is a one-way street. Libertarians, anarchists and others who hew to the philosophy of live - and let live - aren't the least...

Insurance & Racial Profiling

There is near-universal outrage when an individual is treated as a member of a group when that group is racial or ethnic in composition. More than that - it is illegal...

Everyday Preps

When people talk about "preps" they're usually talking about things like ammunition and food - both of which, obviously, are good things to keep handy in the event the SHTF. But,...

Hyundai Sued by The Illiterate

Hyundai Motors is the target of a lawsuit - possibly, a class action lawsuit - because one of its customers can't read. Louis Bird of Sacramento, CA bought a 2011 Elantra...
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