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Drunk driving and “pre-crime”?

Pre-crime used to be a sci-fi literature concept. But it's already our everyday reality. The fallout from the shooting in Tucson is going to make that very clear, very soon. But first,...

Cloveritis. . .

I think the Flouride in the water has done its thing... .  Almost every time I go out, I come up on a car that's doing either just barely the limit -...

What Happened?

Watch old movies - you know, from the '80s - and you'll get a few snapshots in passing about how free we used to be, only 25 years ago - even...

“Driver’s” Licenses: Throw ’em in the Woods?

Why do we bother with driver's licenses at all? They're certainly not a measure of even minimal competence as a driver. You take a written (now digital) test that Forrest Gump could...

Plastic and “Planned Obsolescence”

Remember "planned obsolescence"? Decades ago - in the '50s and '60s - the car companies were accused of deliberately planning to make new cars old almost as soon as they were sold...

Where We’re Headed…

I have a feeling that Refusenik types like me will be the next crop to be harvested. (The first being overt "threats" to the government.) Everything's already in place; the circle is...

A Bad Moon on the Rise. . .

There's a bad moon on the rise - in the form of upward creeping gas prices.  Unleaded regular is surging toward $4 per gallon again - the same highs that preceded -...

But, What About The Blind?

Now hybrids are too quiet, apparently. It's not enough that they're too expensive, too taxpayer subsidized - and usually, too slow. Now Congress is complaining that they're too quiet. The blind are...

Plug in – and pay up?

Will plug-in hybrids save us from $3 per gallon fill-ups - or at least, ease the pain a little? The hype about these vehicles - which differ from the current crop of...

Christmas Wish List…

Christmas is only hours away now. Maybe Santa will leave one or two of the following things under the tree... * Lower gas prices - Unleaded regular is creeping back up to $3...
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