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Clover Taxonomy II

What exactly is a Clover? Probably, you already know - having met him (or her) many times already. Or rather, been delayed, impeded or imperiled by one. Clovers are the pebble...

Know Your Cop

Traffic cops are becoming ever more dangerous to our wallets - and all-too-often, our persons. Since we can't properly defend ourselves against their depredations, avoidance is therefore becoming all the more...

Fixing Their Wagon

People are frustrated - and want to know what they can do. It gets old merely talking. They - our oppressors - don't care how much we talk. Perhaps then it is...

The Mantra

Sun Tzu counseled that it is madness - because pointless - to directly confront a superior foe. A costumed goon with a badge and a gun, for instance. You will lose...

The Golden Years

Back in the '80s, you may have had to "Drive 55" on the highway - but in other ways, things were pretty damn good. At least, a lot better in a...

Barry & “People”

A former colleague of President Obama's, who worked with him at the University of Chicago, claims that Perfesser Obama once told him, "I don't believe people should be able to own...

What Clovers Cost Us

Clovers will say things like, "be patient, slow down; speeding only gets you there a few minutes faster." What they really mean, of course, is that their time matters while yours...

The Diesel Dilemma

Summer's coming - and so (probably) are higher gas prices. There has already been a nationwide uptick of about 40 cents a gallon over the past few months - and we're...

Ok To Speed… When You’re a Cop

Here's a video taken by me of a speeding cop: This cop was on the median of I-581 (an Interstate spur) running radar when I passed him on my way to the...


Abuse people and they tend to get angry. Abuse them long enough - without repercussions - and the anger eventually explodes. It is an old lesson, often forgotten. And which must, therefore,...
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