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Too Many Cars . . . Not Enough Market?

As we watch the slow-motion train wreck that is the dying U.S. automotive industry, it's easy to blame the economic situation for the debacle. And it's certainly a contributing factor. Or...

The Worst Thing You Can Say in Modern America…

I don't "support the troops." But of course it's not really  the troops  we're constantly pressured to express unconditional, unquestioning - even fawning - support for at nearly every turn. "The troops" really...

Five Stupid Traffic Laws

 Here are a few current laws that ought to be on the other end of a piece of payin' paper for a change: * No right on red - This is a form...

Department of Annoying Technology

This just in - from the Department of Annoying Technology: * Nissan "EcoPedal" - Imagine an accelerator that doesn't want you to (accelerate, that is) and you will understand the essence of...

I break the law everyday…

I have become a routine law-breaker. Today, for example, I passed three cars - even though it was a "double yellow" zone. I almost always drive 10-20 mph faster than the posted speed...

Too Much Traffic? Too Many People!

Once population gets to a certain density, it's game over - for liberty. I mean, for real-deal, live and let live, do-what-you-want (provided you're not physically harming anyone else) liberty. You know...

Cars That Drive Themselves…

People seem to like this idea. It makes my flesh crawl. Well, maybe not that extreme. But the idea does depress me. A big part of what makes driving enjoyable is the freedom...

“Democracy” is shit

The modern political god is called Democracy. We are expected to worship it; to reflexively think of it as the finest - the only - legitimate form of government. Everything is couched...

Should Dogs Have to “Buckle Up” For Safety?

An old truck trundling down a gravel road with the owner's Lab happily airing its jowls out back in the bed ... it's a scene as American as a Norman Rockwell...

Chevy Volt Apparently Not Quite As Advertised

GM apparently has some 'splainin to do - and not just to Lucy, but also to the American taxpayers who have bankrolled its operations since that terrible I've Fallen - And...
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