The Virtue of Pressure
How much would the average new car cost if the least expensive new car you could buy cost around $5,000?
Probably, a lot less than the current average (2012) of just over ...
Breaking Through
Lenin asked, "What is to be done?"
The question facing liberty-minded people almost 100 years later is the same. But our answer should not be Lenin's answer - violent lashing out.
I get...
Boycott Autozone
If they won't respect our rights, maybe they'll pay more attention to our dollars. Or rather, the lack thereof - when we cease doing business with companies that don't respect our...
Their Proper Name
Ask any lawyer about the importance of being precise - or evasive - with language. Alexander Hamilton and his federal supremacists understood. So did railroad lawyer and slave-not-freer Abe Lincoln. (For...
Rights – vs. What Ifs and Mights
"Rights" - like "freedom" - is one of those terms that means different things to different people. Often, mutually contradictory things. Perhaps the simplest way to identify a right is to...
Permission Slips Instead of Rights
Our slavery is ingenious because it's so very subtle. Most people not only don't see (much less feel) their shackles - they get angry when someone calls attention to them. Most...
Here’s How it Will be Done…
Incrementalism has proved depressingly effective as a tool for getting most people to quietly surrender their rights piecemeal. For gradually habituating them to an ever-diminishing circle of liberty. When the circle...
Cloverized – Again!
Yesterday, I ran into a fresh Clover patch - the enstupidation of what had been a commendably Libertarian-minded entrance/exit to the main shopping center in my small-town Burg of Roanoke, VA.
TSA To Blame For More Deaths Than Al Qaeda
We're told Gate Rape saves lives - pure conjecture, since it's all hypothetical. After all, not one "terrorist" has been caught (much less stopped) as a result of the terroristic tactics...
Can You Be A “Good” King?
Saw this on Alt-Market, a pretty simple explanation. But that won't matter for many people.
So you think you could be a "good" king/emporer/ruler/government? The only thing for a moral "king"...