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And in This Corner…

An epic bout is in the making - and we'll all have a ringside seat. In this corner, the Safety Nazis - who have inadvertently made the average new car several...

The CNG Alternative

Whatever happened to CNG - Compressed Natural Gas - as an alternative fuel? Back in the mid '90s, I test-drove a few factory-built CNG-powered "demonstrator" vehicles, including a new Ford Crown...

Pssst: It’s Still About a Buck a Gallon

I was researching some Now vs. Then costs for a story I did recently on car prices when I stumbled onto something interesting - and revealing. And so, worth sharing. Find an...

The Case Against Driver’s Licenses

That little plastic laminated card you've got in your wallet or purse - you know, the state's permission slip for operating a motor vehicle? Ever stop to reflect how peripheral the...

Here’s What We’re Missing …

Best-case mileage you can get in a new car is 48 MPG - the advertised highway mileage of a 2012 Toyota Prius hybrid. It sucks. If, that is, you can remember... . Back...

How Not to Save Money

Hybrid vehicles are many things, some of them positive. I tested an Infiniti M hybrid recently that had so much right-now torque (an electric motor strong point) that it launched like...

Road Clovers

Charles Darwin categorized the flora and fauna of the Galapagos Islands. My job is to provide a taxonomy of Cloveris Americanus - the various sub-species of atrocious "driver" who makes driving...

Get a Ticket – Get a Date?

This one registers a solid 10 on the Creep-o-Meter: A woman (I'm leaving her name out on purpose) was recently pulled over for "speeding" by Chicago cop, Chris Collins. The cop...

Suing Honda . . . Watch Out, GM!

Heather Peters (no relation to this writer) is hopping mad at Honda. She says her '06 hybrid Civic's actual mileage more than just varied: About 30 MPG vs. the EPA (and...

Going Old?

I've begun noticing a lot more older cars on the road. And they are not headed to an antique car show, either. Almost every day, on my way into town, I...
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