Clovers in the Snow
It is snowing (and icing) here; very treacherous driving. So naturally, I went out!
"Out" means downtown Roanoke - about 35 miles away. And it means going down (and back up) Bent...
Is it Ever OK to Speed?
On any given road, at any given time, the posted speed limit might be too fast for current conditions - or unrealistically low.
An interstate highway built in the 1950s for safe...
Things You Can’t Do in a Car Anymore
Burnouts -
It is still possible to light up the tires, but there's more involved than just stomping on the gas pedal.
First, you usually have to turn off the traction control -...
Missing Crappy Small Cars?
Anyone else miss underpowered, stripped-down, fast-rusting, blown-into-the-next-lane-by-passing-semis Shitboxes?
They don't make them anymore - not really.
There are economy cars, of course. But these are of a different species, much evolved from their...
The Question…
The question isn't whether you're a liberal or conservative.
Who can say what either of those labels means anymore? Like "Christian," a liberal (or a conservative) can be anything he wants to...
Gas Tax Gouging
Imagine a 40 percent tax on food - or some other essential.
People would be out in the streets.
Such a tax would be two things that Americans generally don't like - disproportionate...
The Virtue of the Turnout Lane
Why can't all states have turnout lanes?
Well, they can of course - but most don't. Somehow, the simple solution of providing extra room on the shoulder of a two-lane road to...
Bad Driving 101
Living by a few basic rules of roadway etiquette can make all the difference between safe, courteous driving - and driving everyone else on the road crazy.
Do your part to ease...
Seasonal Coverage? Nah… That’d Be Reasonable!
Seasonal riding is a fact of life for many motorcyclists. Come fall - and cold weather - many riders hang up their leathers and park their bikes for the duration. It...
Cop – or Coot?
There it is up ahead. A Ford Crown Victoria. Better get on the brakes!
But is it really a cop?
Or just an old coot?
There are - mostly - only two kinds of...