Home Questions Page 26


Post your questions -or submit a guest post for consideration.

Reader Question: About Your Mom?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Brad writes: I just read the article about the situation with your mom and was wondering whether you could just bring her home?...

Reader Question: Your Favorite?

Here's the  latest reader question, along with my reply! Crystal asks: You have driven lots of cars (I've been reading your reviews since the '90s) and I'm wondering whether there are any...

Reader Question: Wobbly Mirror?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Mark asks: My car's rearview mirror vibrates so much that it is almost useless. I can barely make out what's behind me because...

Reader Question: Long-Term Gas Storage?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Cammy writes: My husband and I are worried about what may happen in the coming year assuming Biden becomes president and even if...

Reader Question: Rat Scenting and Anti-Social Media?

Here's the latest reader question - which is more in the way of commentary - along with my reply! David writes: Regardless of where one falls politically, the sanctity of the vote...

Reader Question: Depressive Effect?

Here's the latest reader question - which is more a comment - along with my reply! Ugg writes: As usual I don't have a question for you. What I have is a...

Reader Question: Rotor Scam?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Chi asks: So I took my car to get it inspected and was told the brakes were bad. I was then told I...

Reader Question: Best ’90s Trucks under $5,000?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Steve asks: Lost job as a school teacher . . . wouldn't ware a Face Diaper as a PE teacher and refused to...

AntiSocial Media Alternatives

People who are disgusted by the suppression of speech being performed by the social media "platforms" - which are of course publishers, sans the liability, courtesy of their being allies of...

Reader Question: The Future of Roxor?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! DW asks: Had my eye on getting a Roxor, but waited too long. FCA/Jeep could not or would not compete on manufacturing quality,...
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