Reader Question: Seatbelts?
Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Barry writes: I understand (or at least expect) that the original mandatory seatbelt laws were for the benefit of insurance companies. However, 15-20...
Reader Question: The Wizened Orange Horror?
Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Raoul writes: I've been reading your stuff for so many years that I can't even remember how I found your website in the...
Reader Question: Seafoam vs. Lucas?
Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Dave asks: In my area at least, Seafoam is the gasoline additive to use. But I just noticed a half empty container of Lucas...
2020 Toyota Camry TRD
The Camry has been esteemed for generations as the family car of choice; now there's another reason to buy one!
. . .
Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything...
Reader Question: Contact Tracing?
Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Tom asks: I know that contact tracing is very bad, but could use a lucid explanation to use, and a description of the...
A Reader Vents: Diapering and Laptops
A reader sent in the following; my reply . . . follows!
Anonymous writes: As the school year begins, although it is “virtual," I have had yet another issue (and probably will...
A Reader Vents: Menards and Such
A reader sent the following, which I publish with my comments following:
lowbll writes: I just wanted to vent a little bit about this Face Diaper nonsense we are enduring, or we’re...
Reader Question: Keep Bike – or Buy Gun?
Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Mitch Asks: I've been following your articles for many years and always enjoy them. Especially the bike articles since I am more into...
Reader Question: Skipping Mazda3?
Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Leticia writes: I have a 2017 Mazda 3. It seems like it is skipping when driving in city traffic 20-40MPH. I asked my...
Reader Question: Diaper’d Dealings?
Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!
Sam writes: Ran into the first time where we were asked to actually leave a store today - an independent consignment shop of...