Talkin' Clovers with NPR!
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EP on HD Radio
Here's my most recent appearance as a guest on the Bryan Hyde show:
EP on “Radar Clutter”
If you've got a radar detector - or are thinking about getting one - you may be interested in the following:
EP on 106.7 KMED Radio
Here's the audio of Thursday's appearance on the Bill Meyers "Freedom is Popular" radio show, talking Hellcats and Impalas:
EP On Fox Radio w/Kate Dalley
Today's guest appearance on The Kate Dalley Show:
Click here.
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On Air With Bill Meyers
Here's my latest radio appearance on the Bill Meyers HD Radio show:
05-29-2015 (6.58 MB)
Duration: 16:19 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 56.402397323234 KBPS - Frequency: 32000 HZ
The Bill Meyer Show 6am-9am
EP On HD Radio w/Bryan Hyde
Here's EP on the Bryan Hyde HD Radio show!
If you value independent media, please support independent media. We depend on you to keep the wheels turning! And the Clovers carpet-chewing!
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EP on “Who Owns Your Car”
Here's last week's guest appearance on The Bill Meyer show.
If you value independent media, please support independent media. We depend on you to keep the wheels turning! Things are tight this...
EP On The Kate Dalley Show
Here's the audio of my appearance on last Thursday's Kate Dally show.
If you value independent media, please support independent media. We depend on you to keep the wheels turning! Things are...
EP on The Bill Meyer Show
Here's a link to my appearance last Friday on the Bill Meyer Show. We talked about the Cadillac ELR and other automotive inanities.
I should be on the Kate Dalley show this...