
“Furry Car Culture”

The country went crazy back in 2020. More finely, crazy was normalized. It is not a coincidence, probably, that once pathological hypochondria was normalized, another kind of crazy was normalized. Men insisting...

This May Be Helpful

Sometimes, the Motor Gods favor and you figure out how to fix what seems as though it might cost a lot to fix it for just a few bucks. When that...

Requiem for Miata

When something really bad is about to happen, there are often clues it's about to happen. Because it is already happening. An obvious example being the water rushing into Titanic's hold....

Tim Walz: Motivational Speaker

Has this occurred to anyone else? . . . If you like what you've found here please consider supporting EPautos.  We depend on you to keep the wheels turning!  Our donate button is here.  If you prefer not to use PayPal,...

Diaper Report: 10/06/2024

If you thought the evil idiocy of "masking" was officially over, you may not have seen the "mask" wearing FEMA officials pictured in the photo accompanying this report. The photo was...

The Paradox of “Speed Kills”

We are lectured by the enforcers of speed limit laws that "speed kills." So what to think about the wanton disregard of speed limit laws by those who enforce speed limit...

How “Safety” Reduces Family Size

People old enough to remember the Before Time - i.e., the time when in most everyday matters, people who weren't causing harm were generally free to do as they liked -...

They Know

Here's a creepy story for you that all the coverage of it it isn't covering. A guy name Christian Matzoros bought a new Hyundai Elantra N - which is the high performance...

Dead Nissan Walking

It will probably take more than repossessing Carlos Ghosn's $32 million yacht to save Nissan - which is in really bad shape, according to the latest news about the company's financials. Nissan's...

Just Like the Death Star

When a car is flood-damaged, all you have to worry about is a ruined car. And maybe being sold a ruined one that you don't realize has been ruined until after...
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