
Blame Someone . . . Else

Americans - many of them - have this odd penchant for holding people who didn't do anything responsible for those who did. For example, because some people cause car accidents and...

Hybrids Are Wasteful

Hybrid-electric vehicles are getting a lot of praise in the media because they appear to solve the electric car's three main problems: The fact that most don't go very far on...

“One, Maybe Two” Years Left for VW?

The push to "electrify" everything that rolls is turning out to be a lot like the push to "vaccinate" everyone in that both have turned out to have adverse effects. VW hasn't...

The $71,000 Accord

The Lucid Air - which is a mid-sized, battery powered sedan - claims a standard range of 420 miles. As is usual with EVs, the actual range is much less. Car...

The “Unhoused”

Language is how we think. Try to do it without words. That's why people who want to control how others think manipulate the meaning of words, so as to alter their...

Unresponsive Driver Support

I've written several articles about what is marketed as  "Advanced Driver Assistance" (ADAS) technology. By which is meant "technology" that tries to parent drivers. The language is insufferably condescending. It assumes...

If Only Stalin Knew!

Just some thoughts about X - and "free speech":   . . . If you like what you've found here please consider supporting EPautos.  We depend on you to keep the wheels turning!  Our donate button is here.  If you prefer...

Measuring our Impoverishment

Back around 1982, you could buy a Big Mac at McDonald's after working at McDonald's for half an hour. I know - because I did both. I worked at McDonald's when I...

Orange Socialism

How does one effectively oppose socialism? How about by not agreeing with it? Trump just did that - again. He promised that if he becomes president, he will force you - via the...

2025 Mazda CX70

The trend has been to install smaller engines in place of larger engines - and to charge people more for what they're not getting anymore. It's nice to see Mazda bucking that...
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