
It May Be More Than Just a Fender Bender

If someone bumps your car from behind, be advised - it might be more than just a fender bender. It could be the prelude to something much worse. Apparently, there has been...

What Not To Do on Selection Day

The only way to shatter the illusion of consent - the keystone of majority-rule "democratic" tyranny - is by making it obvious to nearly everyone that the Fuhrer (oops, "president") has...

Mittens Comes to Town

Yesterday, I needed to get some new Heli-Coil inserts to fix some damaged threads, so I hopped on one of my bikes and headed into town - "town" being Roanoke-Salem in...

2012 Toyota Prius

Last week, I reviewed the Prius C - and for the first time, found myself praising a hybrid car's design and economics. Or at least, not condemning them. The C is reasonably...

‘Lil Stinker Won… But Government is Winning

'Lil Stinker - my restored '75 Kawasaki S1 "triple" - won an award at the big Ruritan car (and bike and tractor) show held yesterday. That's the good news - for...

Recovering Our Rights: A Place to Start

America didn't become a continental penal colony overnight. It happened step by step, over a period of many years. It'd be wonderful if we could do an overnight re-set, but that's...

AI Will Keep You Safe…

One of the most fearsome predictions made by George Orwell in his novel, 1984, was of the development of a technology capable of monitoring people 24/7, during every waking (and even...

2012 Toyota Prius C

Toyota has built a better Prius - a hybrid that is economical to buy as well as operate.  It's called the Prius C - and it's 542 pounds lighter than the...

1975 Kawasaki S1 Rebuild: Installment Twelve – Finished!

It is done! At last, almost one year after the $50 hulk was hauled into the garage, the '75 Kawasaki S1C "triple" is fully armed and operational.(For the "before" pics, see here.) If...

Good People

What does it mean to be a "good person"? One hears the term fairly often. So and so is a good person. Or the plural - they're good people. But what is...
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