
Smashing The Illusion of Consent… Peacefully

Refusing to fly again until TSA Submission Training is done away with - and not buying cars equipped with Big Brother technology - that's a good start on the path back...

Some Good News

Thanksgiving's not far off, so I thought it would be a good time to take stock of some of the good things going on in the car industry right now. For...

Your Car Passed… But That Doesn’t Necessarily Mean it’s Safe to Drive

I've got a friend who owns a car repair shop. He's an officially authorized state safety inspector. The guy who goes over your vehicle and gives you a sticker (well, after...

Game The System

I'm sick of it. Being punished for daring to own more than one vehicle, that is. How am I being punished? How are you being punished (if you also own more...

2012 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG

The recipe is timeless: Put a huge engine in a small car and let fly. Literally. The C63 AMG is such a car. Little C-Class; huge (6.2 liter) V-8 under its hood...

1975 Kawasaki S1 Rebuild: Installment Five

The old Kaw is starting to look like something again ... something good. At last! This latest progress reports begins with a short story about a lucky find. I happened to...

The Hit List

There's a saying among lawyers: "Hard cases make bad law." What it means, essentially, is that it's easy to allow one's emotions to supersede reason - and set a terrible precedent...

2012 Mazda Miata: The Perfect Car?

The Mazda Miata is - apparently  - the perfect car. Or at the very least, an ageless and endlessly appealing car. It is still selling well, despite no major changes in several...

What Could We Do?

I've had numerous responses to articles I've written asking me, "Ok, so what's the next step?" I respect your intelligence, so I won't say ... voting. We have about as much real...

GM is Watching You…

I have never liked GM's OnStar system - in part because I don't like the idea of my car that I paid for having someone else's "black box" recording (and transmitting)...
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