
Thanks for the Lyft

Bait - and switch - is an ancient tactic of the sleazy salesman. Advertise one thing, to get the mark interested - then sell him another thing, invariably more expensive. It...

Some Car Buying Advice for the Young

Lots of advice online and everywhere else for teens and young people about buying a car. Here's mine, which might be worth something: Only buy a car if you can afford to...


All of a sudden (or so it seems) there are "presidents" everywhere - as if all of them were elected administrators subject to regular popular referendums - i.e., elections. Like the...

EP on The Bill Meyer Show

Here's a link to my appearance last Friday on the Bill Meyer Show. We talked about the Cadillac ELR and other automotive inanities. I should be on the Kate Dalley show this...

The “Honda” That Isn’t

Once upon a time, General Motors had divisions such as Pontiac and Oldsmobile that sold Pontiacs and Oldsmobiles. When they began trying to sell repackaged Chevys, people became less interested in...

Diaper Report: 11/12/2022

I think it would be fun - as well as revelatory - to put on a Borat-style body thong, one half gold the other blue - to show I "stand with"...

“Environmentalism” vs. Conservationism

Before there was "environmentalism" there was conservationism. The latter being about not wasting stuff. That it was better to save than to spend - for the "environment" as well as your wallet. Conservationism...

Diversity Not

It's funny that, given the obsession with "diversity," there is so much homogeneity. On the showroom floor, too. Most of all, even. Not only do most crossovers - there aren't many cars left...

A Tale of Two Rallies

Hombre Naranja likes to talk about how many Americans attend his rallies. But lots of Americans are also showing up for his opponent's rallies. That's because there are two Americas -...

How They’ll Force us Into EeeeeeVeees

Just some thoughts about the subject: . . . If you like what you've found here please consider supporting EPautos.  We depend on you to keep the wheels turning!  Our donate button is here.  If you prefer not to use PayPal,...
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