
The Cost of Lost Opportunity

One of the reasons I'm no longer married is because I didn't want to "plan" for "retirement" - by putting more or even any of my money into a "401k" or...

How the Kill Switch Already Works

You've probably heard by now about what's styled the "kill switch" all new vehicles will be required to have, beginning with the 2026 models. You may not have heard that the...

Another Kind of Needling Coming

Presuming every driver who happens to be just driving is also “drunk” - until he proves he isn’t, at a probable cause-free Sobriety Checkpoint, as they are styled - is enough...

What a Difference a Couple of Months Makes

It was only about a couple of months ago that the Toyoda who was CEO of Toyota (and the grandson of the company's founder) and not enthusiastic about replacing cars with...

Stuff That’s Gone Away

I guess everyone gets to that point in life where they start to say,  "I remember when... . " Here's some from me: * Economy cars were rear-wheel-drive - Today, only a handful...

Tesla’s Death Dive

It is beginning. Actually, it's been happening for a long time - like a slowly metastasizing cancer. The afflicted can no longer hide the underlying disease. Tesla is dying. Elon is panicking - and...

The Fix It to Value Ratio

Probably the single best thing about modern cars is how long they last and how little trouble they usually give while they last. Until they break. And then it’s often time to...

2020 Toyota Corolla

Only two cars rival the success of the Toyota Corolla. They do not exceed it. The Model T Ford - and the VW Beetle. The original Beetle (the one made from the...

2022 Land Rover Range Rover

Before there were “SUVs,” there were 4x4s such as the original Ford Bronco, the Chevy K-5 Blazer and the International Scout. These were go-anywhere rigs but not gentleman’s rigs. You wanted a...

The One Undiapered Day

Halloween should be interesting - in that perhaps it'll be the one day of the year we get to see people's faces again. The one day when "masks" aren't worn -...
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