
Summer Slows (And a Fresh Clover Video)

Just a quick note to thank all who've recently chipped in. Another batch of stickers is headed out tomorrow! We're still a few quarts low on the dipstick - but I'm hoping that'll...

Diaper Report: 11/15/2023

You still see them. Not everywhere. Not in numbers. But it's not like it was - when you never saw them anywhere - excepting within a surgical suite. Certainly not on the...


Have you heard about geofencing? It's like an invisible fence for dogs - applied to humans, using the invisible fencing made possible by connected cars. You don't get shocked - like...

Milking the Drying Up Cow

How do you make money when half of the profit you make depends on government? You make EVS, is how. But first, you get the government to require that other companies either...

The “Hybrid Boom”

Automotive News posted an interestingly disingenuous item the other day about the "hybrid sales boom," the headline touting a truth that hides a falsehood. Yes - indeed - sales of hybrids are...

The Plug-in Hybrid is Next

Engineers are clever people. Throw a "mandate" or "regulation" at them and they'll find a way to comply with it - thus regularly defeating the true purpose of the mandate or...

The Sound of Gas Pumping

I can't take credit for this one - I just wish I could! A reader, writing in response to my article of a couple of days ago about the Gay Muscle Car,...

An Interesting Inversion . . .

VW's TDI diesel-powered cars - which you're not allowed to buy any longer - routinely exceeded the mileage figures touted by VW and the federal regulatory apparat (the EPA). I can...

Diaper Report: 03/26/2024

Something interesting - and revelatory - to report: The actor Forrie Smith was apparently kicked off a commercial flight recently, after he refused to sit next to a person wearing a...

Saving Back

Is it wrong - not in the legal but rather the moral sense - to take action to try to save back some of the money lost to government action? Specifically, to...
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