
Diaper Report 12/27/21

This may be my last Diaper Report of 2021 and - sadly - I have some not-so-good-news to report. I stopped by Earth Fare - the "crunchy" (non-GMO/organic) supermarket in my part...


We keep hearing about the always-just-around-the-corner "$25,000" EV. It is probably just behind the always-just-around-the-corner "breakthrough" in "battery technology" that's been just-around-the-corner since the mid-1990s, when the first generation of modern...

The V2V Bee Hive

Ayn Rand, for all her quirks, had some solid things to say. One of these was that civilization exists - or declines - in proportion to privacy. The less privacy you’ve...

A Quack Story

With all the Quackery abounding at the moment - and what could be more eponymously quacktastic than jabbing teens, young adults and now single digit children with an injection that supposedly...

Civilian “Generals”

You may have seen the picture of the Texas sheriff who denounced Hombre Naranja's efforts to get control of the border. But did you see the general's stars on the collar...

Car Smells – And Tastes

What can your car tell you just by the way it smells - or tastes? A lot, actually. Let's put on our chef hats and see what's cooking... * Car smells like maple syrup...

Milking the Drying Up Cow

How do you make money when half of the profit you make depends on government? You make EVS, is how. But first, you get the government to require that other companies either...

2015 Toyota Yaris

Toyota can get away with it. Kia couldn't. Honda, neither. What high crime are we dealing with here? It's more like a misdemeanor: Selling While Old. Or rather, selling a car that's getting old,...

Blame Republicans . . .

The truth is often uncomfortable. Here's one of them: The reason why the country is on the verge of a tipping point - of tipping over into overt socialism, a country...

The Power of the Asserted Unknown

There’s an old joke that used to be funny about the shyster lawyer who asks the defendant, “And when did you stop beating your wife”? It was funny because everyone understood...
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