
Making Do With Less . . . Again

Was life tougher when you had to roll down your car's windows by hand - and leave them open in the summer, because your car didn't have AC? How about having...

Diaper Report: 04/03/2024

The other day, a woman whose Twitter handle is Airborne Aware, posted a picture of herself sitting in the back seat of a car wearing a respirator/face shield because she was...

Diaper Report 08/17/2024

It has been reported that the World Health Organization - i.e., the supranational, unelected bureaucracy that intends to control the world using "health" as the pretext - has declared the Monkey...

More Electric Diaper-Wearing

Audi has just announced it will lower the sticker price of the e-tron, its first fully electric mass market vehicle . . . which is having trouble finding a market. Probably because...

That Time O’ The Month

All - It's the thing I like to do least (besides dealing with Clovers) but it's gotta be done. Mid-month fundraising/hat-passing. Just to jump start things a little. We're off to a...

Voting isn’t For Everyone

The title of this article isn't exactly what this article is about. It is about what Robert Heinlein wrote about in his novel, Starship Troopers. It is a valuable philosophical/moral book...

Lack of Engagement

I recently test-drove the 2024 VW Golf GTI - which will soon join the Automatic-Only club, which welcomes new members each week, it seems. There are almost no economy cars still available...

Today’s Thoughts, December 22, 2013

This is ugly, but like a cancer diagnosis, hiding the truth isn't going to help: Donations are way down. After a very encouraging November, we've had (so far) a very discouraging December. Dom...

Merry Christmas 2023!

It's almost Christmas - and I almost forgot to wish everyone a merry one! More seriously, that we all find joy in the good things we have and the good people who...

Toyota Troubles . . . Again

Something big is wrong when brand-new Toyotas are developing big problems all-of-a-sudden. In italics to emphasize the all-of-a-sudden. And Toyota. Times twice now, it looks like. The first problem cropped up shortly after the...
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